ROHS & REACH regulations prescribe a declaration of adaptation and updating to the operating body. Valid statements are below.

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PDF Declaration-Reach-Svhc_July 2024.pdf 2024-07-02 10:35 617.11 Kb
PDF Dichiarazione-Rohs.pdf 2023-03-17 14:53 471.07 Kb

In view of the general declarations of our company's compliance to the Rohs and Reach regulations (as per the annexes above), and aware of the needs and problems that these regulations entail in terms of information collection and management regarding SVHC substances possibly present in products, CBS Europe has implemented its own information system to make this information easily accessible to all its customers through:

  1. The indication on Order Confirmations, Sales Documents and Invoices of SVHC substances (if present and communicated by the manufacturer/supplier) , the CAS code and SCIP number.
  2. The summary indication, on our website (after authentication), of SVHC substances (if present), CAS code and SCIP number for purchased and ordered items only.
  • Information on the presence of SVHC is dependent on manufacturer/supplier declarations and may be subject to change depending on changing manufacturing conditions and changing regulatory requirements.
  • To view the summary information (B), you will need a login account on our website (available to all our customers on request).
For more information on this or if you need to get support for other regulations, please contact us.